Sunday, October 14, 2012

Swinging versus Polyamory Part Deux (II)

----This post was originally posted on Oct. 7, 2012...on a competitive website----

Please know that any information that I share is limited based on my personal experiences…to date, I have NOT had a polyamorous relationship…but I am working on that… In the days since my last blog, I have revisited my thoughts about the differences between swinging and polyamory…below are the thoughts that I wanted to share. As I identify more differences, I will add them to this list and post about them. (PLEASE feel free to comment and to share YOUR thoughts.)

SWINGING includes…
POLYAMORY includes…
  • …sex with someone in addition to your primary partner, with or without your partners’ knowledge.
  • …sex with others for the fun of it…developing friendships would be icing on the cake.
  • …meetings at personal homes or on-site clubs where sex is encouraged with others…talking is a precursor to sex

  • …emotional attachments to someone other than your primary partner is a negative thing
  • …seeking short-term sex partners that can develop into long-term sex partners
  • …many groups available for the explorations
  • …general understandings by society…many agree with the need for sex even with someone other than a primary partner…but developing a loving relationship is taboo and called “cheating”
  • sex and intimate relationships with others … with your primary partner’s knowledge…primary partner may or may not participate, but is supportive
  • … sex with others that hopefully develops into close friendships
  • …meetings at personal residences (night clubs, restaurants, parks, etc.) for gatherings among people to get better acquainted and to discuss polyamory…sex is on the menu, along with a host of other available activities
  • …emotional attachments to others including your primary partner is natural and positive part of establishing healthy relationships
  • …seeking intimate partnerships who add to an existing (or future) relationship(s)
  • …limited number of groups (based on my search)*
  • …general misunderstandings by mainstream culture…monogamous minds have difficulty understanding the need or desire for natural, loving and open relationships with people other than a single, primary partner

* Future blogs will be posted about my meetings with other polyamorous individuals and couples.

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