Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Special Touches

Surprinsingly, what I thought would be a weekend filled with unbridled, passionate SEX and a physical connection, turned out to be a little different and yet a little more enlightening...Over the course of three days, I found myself cut-off from the world in the sense media of any kind and limited phone calls...a get away from the every to speak ...with a lover who was as gentle and giving of himself as he was kind...

In a quaint home on a little street in western South Carolina, I found the time to read about and experience just a sampling of sexual massage and enlightened, tantric touching...not that I really knew what it was when I first the beginning, I was wanting much more physical passion than I actually got...but boy was my experience surprisingly refreshing and extremely sensual...a heightened spiritual liaison...dear reader.

In my youth and as recently as a couple of months ago, a highly physical orgasm was the pinnacle of pleasure...and my mind and body constantly wanted more of that feeling...but what I didn't realize, dear reader... was that I was relying way too much on someone else to please me...and someone else's orgasmic schedule...and not the one dictated by MY body and mind...

As I continue move into a more accepting place with my more mature sexual self...I realize that much of what I seek lies within my own ability to explore and to understand the ever-changing needs of the total I have undertaken the journey into self-touch...

For some, self-touch implies masturbation in which the ultimate purpose is to have an orgasm...that's it...and yes, dear reader...I have had wonderful, self-stimulated orgasms...but self-touch is the exploration of one's body for pleasure that may or may NOT lead to an orgasm...the purpose is to slowly and methodically explore the body to learn about sensual pleasures and feelings... that may be used just for my satisfaction or to inform current and future lovers about areas and strokes that excite me. Now ask yourself, dear reader, who is really better prepared at exploring your body...someone who only sees you when it's time for a physical climax... or the owner of your body...YOU...the person who lives with that perfectly wonderful body each and every day... and the one knows your body's most intimate workings?

It is my hope that through tantra, I can make connections with my total self....and that I can share with my partners and lovers new ways to stimulate my mind, body and we enjoy our fabulous journey through our lives as polyamorous adults, dear reader...

Polyamorously Yours,

Atlanta PolyNewbie


Tuesday, December 4, 2012

All Shapes and Sizes...

Recently, I received an email from "M", a poly-friend, telling me that I may get an email from someone interested in receiving articles from within the polyamory community. Of course, I thanked her and silently wished for that opportunity to share my views with a larger group of people, but deep inside I knew that the request would never come."Why, not?", you ask, dear reader? The answer lies in the many different types of polyamorous relationships that exist.

On one end of the spectrum, there are poly-families, like the triad PBMJ (mentioned in previous posts). While my friend "M" sees her life as plain, uneventful or just down right mundane, others see it as a break from the norm. Those outside of polyamory crave insight into a real poly-family that's not a made for TV movie or a new hit reality show. Simple and loving relationships that mirror monogamous ones, in all but the number of partners, have a tendency to garner further inquiry, while simultaneously putting curious minds a little more at ease. Those are the types of relationships that sell papers and would bring a larger following with the family-oriented set.

Conversely, you have ME...dear reader! A single female with two unconnected partners (seriously looking for a third), no children and no signs of co-habitation insight (Thank God!) Heck, to those outside of my relationships, it seems that I am "just dating" (LOL). However, we know that it is MUCH more to it than that shallow phrase...dear much more...and there in lies the main difference.

While my stories and thoughts may never get any futher than this blog, I grow everyday in my appreciation for being a polyamorous woman. I enjoy sharing my thoughts with people who shall remain anonymous to me...hoping that you gain knowledge about the ups and downs of being a single polyamorous who freely choose partners based on the quality of love, acceptance, understanding, honesty and appreciation...that meets MY needs and not those dictated by any part of society...dear reader.

Luckily for those within the poly-community, we know that it takes all kinds of relationships to make this world a more loving and interesting place...mine is just one in a million.

Polyamorously Yours,

Atlanta PolyNewbie